The Ulster Farmers’ Union deputy president, David Brown has reiterated that there must be no ban on live exports from the UK. The comments follow DEFRA’s call for evidence on controlling live exports for slaughter and improving animal welfare during transport after the UK leaves the EU.
Brown said: “The Ulster Farmers’ Union has outlined the importance of animal transport to the Northern Ireland livestock industry in recent months.”
The Ulster Farmers’ Union has highlighted that welfare during transport is already taken very seriously, both for the reputation and the quality of diverse products in Northern Ireland. In Northern Ireland the Welfare of Animals (Transport) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006, implemented the Council Regulation (EB) No1/2005 and the regulations are already operative.
Brown added, “The Ulster Farmers’ Union believe these regulations already provide stringent and accountable regulation for the welfare of animals during transport. We do not believe there are any issues or deficiencies in the current regulations. It is important that animal welfare regulation is supported by sound science and not perception or assumption. The existing welfare regulations for the transport of animals are supported by science and at this stage we do not believe there is evidence to merit ‘improving’ the existing regulations.”
The UFU deputy president continue: “The main species for farmed animals which are exported live are cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry. If there was no competition for these animals from exports, the value of these animals would decline considerably and this would adversely impact farm income.”
Price disparities continue to be clearly evident between Northern Ireland and higher value markets in Great Britain where a better price is paid for livestock.
“It is essential that farmers have access to these markets to avail of better prices. Furthermore, Northern Ireland has an excellent reputation for breeding high quality breeding livestock and these animals have been exported to a wide range of countries across the European Union. The fact that the vast majority of this trade is with the Republic of Ireland and Spain demonstrates how essential it will be post-Brexit to maintain competitive, un-interrupted free trade with the EU.”

Previous ArticleAnimal welfare research leads to European law reform

Chloe Ryan
Editor of Poultry Business, Chloe has spent the past decade writing about the food industry from farming, through manufacturing, retail and foodservice. When not working, dog walking and reading biographies are her favourite hobbies.