The Neo Range is available in the following pack sizes:
- 1 blister of 10 tablets of 1000 doses
- 1 blister of 10 tablets of 2000 doses
Gallivac® IB88 NeO [Download SPC]
- 1 blister of 10 tablets of 1000 doses
- 1 blister of 10 tablets of 2000 doses
HatchPak® IB H120 NeO [Download SPC]
- 1 blister of 10 tablets of 1000 doses
- 1 blister of 10 tablets of 2000 doses
NeO technology makes traditional freeze-dried vaccine pellets in glass vials a thing of the past. NeO comes in the form of effervescent tablets containing freeze-dried vaccine virus and packaged in lightweight aluminium blister packs.

Simple, clear delivery of live Infectious Bronchitis and Newcastle Disease vaccines in effervescent NeO tablet form
- Effervescent tablets reduce the risk of stock solution contamination
- Coloured tablets make it clear that vaccine is in-water
- No glass vials makes vaccine management safer for operators
- Small blister packs take up less room in the fridge
- Packaging waste is reduced by 90% compared to glass vials

Avinew™ NEO effervescent tablet for chickens and turkeys contains live Newcastle Disease virus, VG/GA-AVINEW strain, 5.5 – 7.0 log10 EID50*. UK: POM-V.
Gallivac® IB88 NEO Effervescent Tablet for Suspension for Nebulisation for Chickens contains attenuated infectious bronchitis coronavirus, strain CR88121 (793B), at least 4.0 log10 EID50*. UK: POM-V.
Hatchpak® IB H120 NEO Effervescent Tablet for Nebuliser Suspension for Chickens contains live infectious bronchitis virus, H120 strain 3.7 to 4.7 log10 EID50*. UK: POM-V.
*EID50: 50 per cent egg infective doses.
Advice should be sought from the prescriber. Further information available in the SPC or from Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health UK Ltd., RG12 8YS, UK. Tel: 01344 746957. Email: vetenquiries@boehringer-ingelheim.com. Avinew™ NEO, Gallivac® IB88 NEO and Hatchpak® IB H120 are registered trademarks of the Boehringer Ingelheim Group. ©2021 Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Date of preparation: Feb 2021. UI-POU-2021. Use Medicines Responsibly.