By Gary Ford, chief executive, British Egg Industry Council
We have recently seen an unwelcome return of AI with a case in a free-range layer unit in the North East. Whilst a set back for all, not least the producer, who we have been supporting throughout this challenging time, Defra have not changed the risk status of low for commercial poultry and medium for cases in the wild bird population. The time of the year, as we move into Spring, will hopefully help. Defra praised the site management for prompt reporting of suspicion of disease which is encouraging to hear as one of the key messages to combat AI is vigilance and prompt reporting.
We continue to engage with the Welsh Government for a consultation on the 16-week derogation. The English and Scottish consultation closed on 5 March and as a consequence it is critically important for the free-range sector in Wales that the Welsh government bring forward a consultation at some point in the coming months and certainly ahead of the AI ‘season’ later this year. My concern is that a lack of a consultation will negatively impact on consumers and have the potential to have a devastating impact on Welsh free range egg producers at a time when Welsh farming is already under enormous pressure and uncertainty.
Another area that we continue to engage on is the RSPCA amended laying hen welfare standards published in November 2023. The strength of feeling continues and that was evidenced when I spoke at the Welsh NFU Cymru poultry conference at the end of February. Industry is as one on this and we have recently written a joint letter to the RSPCA formally asking them to pause the introduction of the new standards until they have completed proper and meaningful industry consultation. We are also calling for commercial scale trials on UK farms to ensure that it is representative of UK production and conditions and has a demonstrable welfare benefit for laying hens.
Finally, congratulations to the newly elected NFU Officeholder team led by Tom Bradshaw. We very much look forward to working with you over the next two years.