Ulster Farmers’ Union poultry chairman Martyn Blair is encouraging members to attend a one day conference looking at the future of Northern Ireland’s poultry industry. Poultry farmers are faced with change more often than we would like, which is why it is important to keep informed, look ahead and plan accordingly, said Blair.
The conference, run by the Poultry Industry Education Trust, is taking place on Thursday 2 November in CAFRE Loughry campus and will look at the industry in 2018 and beyond. It will cover some of the big issues facing poultry farmers such as market trends and challenges; raw material supply availability; consumer buying trends; the changing dynamics of avian flu across Europe; and the future of Freedom Food poultry trends.
Blair said, “Farmers are busy and it can be hard to get time away from the farm but I would encourage farmers to try and make the time to attend this conference. Keeping up to date and being able to identify potential challenges or opportunities will benefit a farm business as well as the industry as a whole. I think we can all agree that everyone wants a strong and robust poultry industry in Northern Ireland.
To register for the conference or for more information please contact Kenneth McConkey on 028 9035 1321 or by email Kenny.mcconkey@thompson.co.uk the conference fee is £45 and includes a three course lunch and morning and afternoon tea/coffee.